Welcome to GESS Parke gas technology!
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Based on customer demand, the company provides comprehensive gas supply system with high purity gas for scientific research institutes, electronic industry and so on.            [1] Safety first: Special gases with basic properties such as toxicity, flammability, corrosiveness and asphyxiation. Care should be taken in its use. Relying on the experience of professional special gas manufacturers, the company has established a safety-first special gas system.            [2] Stable supply: In the process of gas use, the important precondition is to ensure stable gas supply. The special gas system is established by comprehensive factors such as gas demand and circulation and on-site continuous gas supply.            [3] High purity: The electronic gas is characterized by the use of high purity gases only. Provide high purity gas supply system according to customer demand of different industries.            [4] Environmental strategy: People pay more and more attention to the environmental impact such as the warming of the earth and acid rain. The company establishes a comprehensive gas supply system from gas supply to exhaust treatment.            [5] Cost control: The company will provide the best comprehensive evaluation system of safety, investment cost and operation cost with the progress of technology and the change of the balanced use cost of supply and demand.
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